Tag Archives: gluten

Celiac Disease: What You Should Know

Celiac disease is a genetically transmitted ailment in which gluten in the diet causes damage to the small intestine preventing the celiac sufferer from absorbing nutrients from the normal digestion process. These proteins are found in all forms of mainstream and other related products. Such as durum semolina, spelt, and related grains such as rye, barley, and oats. Damage to the small intestine is caused by a reaction to the ingestion of gluten. Celiac disease causes the villi (the tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine)to shrink […]

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Glyconutrients: How Much to Take

Before we address the obvious question about how to take glyconutrients, let’s first discuss briefly what they are. Glyconutrients, are 100% vegetarian based derived entirely from plants & seaweeds. They combine aloe based saccharides with fucose-rich Undaria pinnatifida. They are Gluten Free; and usually contain arabinogalactan. Arabinogalactan has shown some immune-enhancing activity in the laboratory, particularly with regard to the stimulation of human natural killer cell cytotoxicity. Glyconutrient products are specifically designed to enhance cellular communication. True wellness begins at the cellular level. Think about it? If […]

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The Importance of Gluten Free Vitamins to Health Care

More and more people are recognizing the importance of vitamins in health care – especially those that are gluten-free. A growing number of people in our health-conscious society are taking pains to seek out information on gluten-free vitamins and food supplements. Studies show that vitamins in general are important to a person’s overall health. Most vitamins are available in the food we eat but not always in the right quantities. Also, vitamins and minerals are destroyed in much of the food we eat by high heat. Therefore, […]

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Gluten Inedible Products

A common question among the newly diagnosed with celiac disease, an autoimmune condition triggered by the presence of gluten (wheat, rye, barley and oats), is whether you should be concerned about gluten found in inedible products – products that you don’t eat but only use. The answer is yes. After using inedible products that contain gluten, make sure that you wash your hands well with non-gluten soap and water so that any residue found in the products will be washed away and not later find its way […]

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The Trials of Eating in Restaurants on A Gluten Free Diet

Eating out when you are on a restricted diet always has the potential for difficulty. Only yesterday I was reminded of this when we went out for a late Sunday meal. As always we had spoken to the restaurant, in fact it is one I have used before. Gravy is the usual problem for a traditional Sunday roast dinner, however we were assured that the chef would produce a gluten free version. So far I have yet to find any catering establishment that produces a gluten- free […]

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What Should You Know About Gluten Free Diet

I can tell you truthfully that up until very recently I had absolutely no clue as to what a gluten free diet was. I didn’t have even a grain of an idea that I could base my knowledge upon. I have since found out however, that gluten is what you would call the protein part of certain grains like wheat, barley, rye or other similar grains. Some people are found to be allergic to the gluten in these grains and so need to have a gluten free […]

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Tasty Gluten Free Products

In the gluten-filled world where we have spent most of our lives until now, we learned as children which products we liked to eat and which we didn’t. Now, as sufferers of celiac disease or as a gluten intolerant, we find ourselves thrown into the task of finding gluten-free products to replace all those foods containing wheat, rye, barley and oats that we loved to eat–like bread, cookies, cakes and pastas. Our lives have suddenly become much more complicated. A totally gluten-free diet means learning to cope […]

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